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Discovering the Structure of Our Hold Me Tight® Retreat

Have you ever wondered what goes on during our Hold Me Tight® Retreat? This transformative educational program is designed to help couples strengthen their bond and enhance their communication. Let's delve into the structure of this remarkable experience that takes place over two days, providing a unique opportunity for growth and connection.

Couples Therapy, Couples Therapy Seattle, Couples Therapist, Couples Therapist Seattle, Couples Counseling, Couples Counseling Seattle, Relationship Counseling Seattle, Sex Therapy, Sex Therapy Seattle, Sex Therapist, Sex Therapist Seattle, Attachment Theory, Attachment Theory Seattle, Polyamory Theory, Polyamory Theory Seattle, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Seattle, Affair Recovery, Affair Recovery Seattle, Healing Moments Counseling

A Weekend of Connection

The Hold Me Tight® Retreat unfolds over a span of two days, each thoughtfully crafted to create a safe and nurturing space for couples. As you step into this journey, you won't be alone; you'll share this experience with a few other couples who, like you, are on a quest to strengthen their relationship.

Your Own Bistro Table

The setting is intimate and cozy, with each couple having their very own bistro table. This setup allows you to engage in discussions and activities while maintaining your personal space, ensuring comfort and privacy throughout the retreat.

Professional Support Throughout

Throughout the retreat, not one, not two, but three experienced therapists are available to provide guidance, support, and insights. Their presence ensures that you have the resources you need to navigate the program effectively and address any questions or concerns that may arise.

Couples Therapy, Couples Therapy Seattle, Couples Therapist, Couples Therapist Seattle, Couples Counseling, Couples Counseling Seattle, Relationship Counseling Seattle, Sex Therapy, Sex Therapy Seattle, Sex Therapist, Sex Therapist Seattle, Attachment Theory, Attachment Theory Seattle, Polyamory Theory, Polyamory Theory Seattle, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Seattle, Affair Recovery, Affair Recovery Seattle, Healing Moments Counseling

Nourishment for the Body and Mind

We understand that exploring your relationship can be emotionally intense. That's why we provide plenty of nourishment, including delicious food and beverages, to keep you energized and focused throughout both days. Midday breaks are incorporated into the schedule, giving you time to relax and recharge.

Saturday Night: Unwind and Connect

On Saturday night, it is all about you. This is the time to unwind and enjoy quality time with your partner. The best part? No homework or assignments to fret over. It's an evening designed for pure relaxation and connection, because it matters.

A Well-Paced Journey

The Hold Me Tight® Retreat is carefully structured to ensure that the experience is well-paced and manageable. We believe that the only requirement for you is to show up and be present. Our dedicated team will guide you through the rest, making the journey an enriching and transformative one.

We invite you to consider joining us for this remarkable retreat, where you can deepen your connection and gain a deeper understanding of your relationship. Your presence will be a valuable addition to the community of couples seeking to strengthen their bonds. We would love to see you there, embarking on this beautiful journey of love and growth.

Need Help Navigating Negative Cycles in Your Relationship?

Meet Relational Experts:

Celeste McClannahan & Nika Gannon

Celeste Mcclannahan,  Female, She/Her, Attachment based Therapist in Seattle, Emotional Focused Therapist in Seattle

Celeste is an attachment-based therapist using the emotionally focused therapy modality. She feels that in order to heal, we must go more deeply into ourselves and build stronger attachments with those closest to us. Celeste aspires to provide a safe place for clients to be vulnerable and develop stronger attachment bonds while knowing that she will hold and make space during those brave and vulnerable moments. 

Nika Novak Gannon, Female, She/Her, Individual Therapist Seattle, Couples Therapist Seattle, Washington State Supervisor,  Sex Therapist in Seattle, Emotionally Focused Therapist in Seattle

Nika is an EFT/EFIT therapist who specializes in problematic sexual behavior. She holds her clients’ integrity and worth in the highest regard. She is committed to providing compassionate and judgment-free care to those seeking change. She recognizes the unique and challenging ways in which OCSBs impact partnership. She is prepared to address the partners’ individual perspectives and wellness needs, as well as assist in navigating toward the relationship agreement both partners consent to.

Contact Us

Want help connecting with a therapist in the Seattle area that best fits your needs?

Contact our team member, Kayla.

Phone Number:

(425) 298-5165


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